knit wits

knitting journal with help from friends

Saturday, February 22, 2003

and, still knitting.....

finally on the front, made it past the double colored seed stitch rows and about 4" up.

Today our heat went out, I thought I was coming down with something, until my husband checked the heat..... Poor furnace sounds so lame, we called the repairman, who was deep in another basement somewhere. So then had to do a mad cleanup to get to the furnace, seems there was a bunch of yarn in the way, and the plumber is on his way. No heat in Alaska in February is not an enviable situation.

I am trying to plan out my next knitting project, and think I will need to finish the alpaca, remember I abandoned it in favor of the hoodie sweater I am still slaving over. I am in the home stretch though,,,,,oh,oh, more later, the plumber cometh......
