knit wits

knitting journal with help from friends

Sunday, January 18, 2004

And Now Presenting - the Hulks!

Okay, not us, the sweaters!

Ah friends it has been a long tough road to get you this photo. Not only in the knitting but just the computer stuff.

I just reloaded the camera software and even remembered how to post, only took two tries.

This photo is from Sunday, January 5 in the Kaladi Brothers Cafe, Title Wave bathroom. Okay, so the wall color looked nice. I didn't relaice it was so dark, brightening the photo make my sweater look rather glossy, but you can see the detail on Jere's sweater. Pretty nice, very comfy.

Critiques on these sweaters - using the Lopi as called for results in a slightly fuzzy cozy sweater - whereas Jere experimented with the Lamb's Pride and the pattern looks awesome, but she said its too dang hot!

On to other projects, I hope all is well. L


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