knit wits

knitting journal with help from friends

Saturday, November 08, 2003

I had this dream last night,

that I was walking through a crowded lobby and everyone was knitting.

It was quite fun and astounding and very surprising. People, mostly women were knitting fuzzy scarves, pretty sweaters and it was so pleasant. Maybe my subconcious idea of heaven, who knows.....

I am making progress on the hat for Leif. After I had my endoscopy yesterday (where they stick a cameral down your throat) and with no sedatives! I got to come home and hang with the kids on an in-service day and knit for awhile. Lots of fun.

I plan to pick up a new camera battery today and will post some digital photos, I promise!

Monday night is another dyeing day at Color Creek, but I need to prepare and come up with some ideas!

Off to do some laundry and prepare my speech for the architects conference I am making today. What a combo!...Later....


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